
Buying Joy

I've noticed lately that here in the U.S. things have become very material oriented. I mean, it seems as if we define ourselves as a materialistic set of consumers...we buy, shop, buy, and shop. I think you get the point.

I am by no means free of this charge as I find myself also wishing for material products such as technological gadgets. However, since I've noticed this somewhat trait of American society, I've also pondered if it's all so harmless. I mean doesn't it help the economy for us to consume, consume, consume? Well, statistics show that it in fact does; US Consumer Spending.

My question is not whether consuming is good for the economy or not but more so is it good for us as people? I think that with all the consuming we do we might become too involved with material matters and less about each other.

I would think that after a while one would realize that they are putting too much emphasis and time on spending and buying rather than caring and loving but I have personally been shown otherwise.

Hopefully we just don't forget that there are things in life (LOVE, real human connection, etc.) that are more important than that new outfit or that new cell phone coming out.
