
Eat Ice Cream Forever

Why aren't we able to eat ice cream and just be normally healthy? Well, I'm not completely ignorant-I understand that what ice cream contains is not so bueno for your body. I just wish that life and science would allow us to eat ice cream all the time!

I think back to the times when I was a kid (by age) and all the times I ate ice cream...OK, I don't remember one instance of me eating ice cream but I do know that I just had some and it was delicious! What kind? Well it was the chocolate covered drumstick with peanuts and vanilla flavored ice cream inside....do you want one, yet?

This may seem a bit ridiculous but I honestly wonder why we can't just be able to sustain eating ice cream 24/7 without turning into a blueberry or having a heart attack. Think how wonderful it would be to eat that favorite ice cream of yours whenever you wish...what's your favorite? You got it? Now, imagine being able to come back after playing some sports game with some friends, running by yourself, or just coming inside from a very hot day and being able to grab that ice cream and enjoy it without the worry of any health issues. That's the world I'd like to live in.

Well, actually, I don't know what else that world would be like but I would most definitely appreciate the ice-cream-all-the-time-with-no-worries part.

So what about you? What would be your choice of food to eat 24/7 and not have to worry about, gaining weight, increasing cholesterol, pissing off major arteries, or any other health-related issues?

Image via Ice Cream People
